MotionCommissioned by People Dancing and ParaDanceUK, this film explores a brother and sister duo (disabled and non disabled) who take part in ballroom dance competitions, and what the experiences mean to the both of them.
Released 2015 | SensationA look at the life and works of choreographer Isabel Jones and her approach to working with visually impaired and blind dancers.
Released 2015 | Enter Stage not quite RightThis full length film explores whether the theatre industry is accessible for those with chronic illnesses. Why do we have the models of working that we do and what changes are needed within the arts and sector leaders to make for a more inclusive profession.
Released February 2022 TBC | Enter Stage ShortThis is a shorter version of the film that explores whether those with chronic illnesses can work accessibly in the arts. Why we have certain models of working and what we need to do to make a change.
Release date TBC |